What once thrilled you with curiosity and wonder may not excite you as much once you become an expert. Beginners have far fewer expectations and preconceived notions, less understanding of the process, and fewer past experiences to limit their view of a situation. Using this concept, you can recapture the sense of excitement and wonder you experience when trying or learning something new. Having a beginner's mind means approaching a situation, task, or skill with an open mind, embracing the idea that you have room to learn and grow. Taking on a fresh approach to challenges can encourage you to try new things, explore the 'why' behind things, & call into question current norms.
The most important part of having a beginner's mindset is understanding that you do not know everything and being open to learning. It involves being willing to approach the world with fresh eyes and encourages a willingness to take chances, experiment, try new things, and ask questions. Being more open, receptive, and curious in our daily lives can unlock deeper insights, creativity, flexibility, and resilience in adversity. It also implies accepting that mistakes are a natural part of learning and that there will be times when you need help understanding completely (but that this should not keep you from attempting) even if you are unsure which direction to take.
When working with colleagues, acknowledging and accepting people's differences is crucial to developing a beginner's perspective. If we attempt to understand opinions that are different from our own, we reduce feelings of frustration, anger, or confusion toward others. I continue to work on refraining from judging “good” or “bad” and leaning into an attitude of curiosity.
Image “F” from the Inextremis series
Embrace the wonder of the world and free your mind from preconceived notions. It can be difficult to view life with a Beginner's Mind, but by releasing our conditioning, we can experience the same fascination and hunger for knowledge that a child does. Move beyond autopilot and take the time to observe the world around you with fresh eyes and heightened senses. Let go of your familiarity and look at everything from new perspectives - you have so much to gain from this approach.
Reflect on what you want out of a situation. Are there expectations and are they beneficial?
Let go of preconceived notions. What would it look like without any expectations?
Pay attention to what you don't know, rather than what you do.
What would it look like today if it never existed? Any new opportunities?
Keep curiosity alive by asking questions throughout your learning process.
Don’t worry about making mistakes. Everyone makes them, and mistakes are the path to progress. (Hopefully more on this next week)
Celebrate small wins. Acknowledge your progress and successes no matter how small.
Make it fun. Introduce games, pleasurable experiences, and humor into your learning experience.
Thanks, as always.
Links: Cina Associates, Cina Art, Public Type