Music is, for me, the highest form of art. The freedom that comes with certain music projects is invaluable and the best projects push you beyond your limits. They can intertwine all the senses but every project doesn’t have those demands.
Orcas: A Blank Canvas
I have been a longtime fan of Rafael Anton Irisarri and Benoit Pioulard who are in a band together called Orcas. I’d envisioned an idea for a long time—a sleeve meant not just to house an album but to act as a blank canvas for the owner of the record. I love the idea of an album cover that lived and breathed with the listener, one that evolved with them through time and one that they can add to.
With Orcas, this concept took its first baby steps. I created a 'somewhat blank' back album cover, leaving space for art that invites response. It’s not unlike how I approach some of my other work. I often collaborate with my past self—pulling out unfinished paintings that have been sitting around for 15 years or more, working over them, and responding to what’s already there. Sometimes, I tape down blank sheets of paper on my desk and just start working throughout the day, adding and revising bit by bit. Everything is a constant evolution, open to interpretation and play.
I’m offering 10 original modifications of this album cover on CinaArt. They’re up now, but the official announcement to the public goes out tomorrow, so if you feel inclined, today’s the time to grab one.
Dua Saleh: The Unboxing
Another recent collaboration (see the video above) was with Dua Saleh, an incredible artist. The cover has a lot of personal dialogue with myself about what it means to be an artist today and there are a few little easter eggs in there if you look close enough (Hint: their eyes are Venus flytraps). It’s hard to compete with Scorpions.
Moses Sumney: Co-directing a Vision
One artist I worked with a lot this year is Moses Sumney. I’ve always admired his meticulous taste and often used him as an example of an artist who did their image right. Moses reached out to me earlier this year to ask about a class I was teaching and we hit it off from there. We co-directed the package, he took most of the photographs, and I designed the campaign. I’m looking forward to seeing the full project drop next year.
More soon, I have a few things I want to write about. Best to you.
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