The law of conservation of energy says that energy is neither created nor destroyed. When people use energy, it doesn't disappear. Energy changes from one form of energy into another form of energy.
Cultivating an instinctive guide, often referred to as “your gut,” has been a focal point in my life—an internal compass tuned to the ebb and flow of energy. It's something I see more often: positive creative energy gives nourishing/revitalizing energy, while negativity often pushes it away. Hardships (energy) can indeed transform into a form of artistic beauty (energy), but it’s fleeting.
Through the years, I have seen that having a greater vision and following your gut unlocks new inspiration. Revisiting and properly archiving my old ideas, a task lacking excitement but part of a greater plan, not only provided valuable perspective on past successes but also served as a wellspring for new work.
When starting a new project, I seek a spark that ignites momentum. The thought of overhauling an endless body of work into one portfolio felt overwhelming, so I broke it down into smaller pieces. I envisioned a centralized hub capable of branching into various directions, but I was still uncertain how. Reflecting on my favorite influences—people, places, and art—guided me back to Folkert Gorter’s website, where the puzzle pieces started to fall into place. Each project could be its own crystallized site, allowing me to present them through individual case studies without needing further updates or being locked into a larger design system. (main hub linking to micro-sites)
Navigating this framework, I thought about what I wanted to convey and how to articulate it visually. I also recognized that what I offer is unmistakably distinct from others and should look and function differently as well.
After re-examining the reasons/methods behind my offerings, I reignited a genuine care for it. The exhausting pace of the past had left me little energy and space for such introspection and exploration. Without the time for creative passion that stretches one's limits, it’s hard to perform at your top. It is important to spend time with hobbies and making creative projects that (re)energize you the most.
I found myself working on my websites in my free time, as it was the most exciting part of my workday. It became me playing once again and gave that energy to everything else I was doing. I became extremely interested in every step of the process and found myself wanting to design more sites for the fun of it. Oddly enough, around this time, I started getting offers to design/consult on some websites. It was not my typical job request, but perfect timing and I took a few of those jobs on.
Paying attention to energy (expenditure and receiving) around what I am doing and following a greater vision has completely opened all the creative faucets and provided me with a steady stream of new inspiration and perspectives that keep building and feeding all the areas of my creative practice.
New: Cina Associates + Cina Art
Referenced: Folkert Gorter